Sabtu, 24 September 2011

A Satelit Corpse Will Be Crash In Indonesia???

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - A giant corpse from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satelit (UARS) that is in the way to the small earth, has a chance to fall down to the resident area.
The U.S. Space Agency, NASA said that the possibility UARS crash resident area is 1:3.200. Until now, there is no way to accurately predict the location that UARS will fall.
But the pieces bombarded the region that could potentially wreck the entire area of ​​the satellite is in the range of 57 degrees north latitude to 57degrees south latitude. Indonesia is located in the equatorial region are also likely to fall trajectory of UARS.
NASA explained that the ratio of the satellite crashed in the larger populated areas do not take into account the area because land and sea and desert regions on earthMoreover, 70 percent of the territory of the estimated range of the region was dominated by oceans.
Professor of astronomy and astrophysicsInstitute of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan), Thomas Djamaluddinwho contacted UARS estimates will hit the Earth on timescales Friday (09/23/2011until midnight the next 24 hours.
"Chances are small but need to be vigilantThus Lapan continue to monitor developments," said Thomason Friday morning.

Thomas revealed that Lapan will coordinate with National Disaster Management Agency (BPNB) if UARS has certainly fall in Indonesia. After that BPNB will coordinate with the range of the region.
Satellites measuring 10.6 meters long and 4.5 meters in diameter was initially weighing 5.9tons. Media in the U.S. illustrates the satellite is approaching the Earth about the size of a city busAccording to NASAwhile penetrating the earth's atmosphereUARS will be shattered but still left a total of 26 pieces weighing 532 kg.

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